Planning zones and why they matter
Living in a democracy, we usually have transparent planning processes and a scheme which balances the interests of economic development, environmental protection and societal equity.
The focus for Save Rosny’s Parks Group is of course on our parks and open spaces. Those spaces are shown in the map below (or Map 6) in light and dark green. Rosny College is within the park boundaries but zoned Community Purpose, the remainder of the parklands are zoned as “Recreation” or “Open Space”.
As a community we have the right to insist, hopefully through relevant community consultation (and, if needed, through petitions, public meetings, elector polls and representations at TASCAT) that the planning scheme is upheld, and land is used as is intended.
Do we need more active elements in Charles Hand Memorial Park? 50% of Charles Hand to Sheoak Point’s green spaces are already “Active” – Tennis, Skateboarding, Cricket and Bowling. There is merit in Rosny College students having better access to Charles Hand Park. This is likely to be supported by the community. But such use is discretionary and it can be objected to and certainly the additional hard courts proposed may be an unnecessary overreach.
The proposed residential blocks in Charles Hand Park are prohibited under the planning scheme and the community must also be made aware of the many other opportunities in the Kangaroo Bay/Rosny/Warrane area that can be utilised for housing without encroaching on Open Space Zones.
Map 5 from the Key Findings report also show that Housing Tasmania own a significant number of homes with a huge potential to provide denser housing options. As resident numbers increase, they will need more open and recreational spaces.
To understand the zones and what is permitted, check Table 1 - Zone Use Classes. If you'd like to view or download as a PDF, see link below.