
Why did the Department of State Growth bypass the request to liaise with the Greater Hobart Strategic Partnership around the High Performance Centre site selection?

The Greater Hobart Act 2019 was implemented to ensure a Greater Hobart perspective underlines such a strategic land-use and infrastructure decision.

Initial Site appraisals by Department of State Growth (DSG) 

June 2022

Department of State Growth (DSG) carries out an initial identification and technical appraisal of sites without consultation with Councils or landowners

Premier Rockliff reports to Jeff Kennett, then President of Hawthorn 

July 2022

"We have made considerable progress on scoping and planning for a high performance and administration facility for the new Club"

AFL Agreement signed

3 May 2023

The Tasmanian Government signed the AFL Agreement to establish a Tasmanian AFL and AFLW Club.
Development of a HPC near the Hobart central business district forms part of the agreement.

Confidential discussions with Greater Hobart councils

August 2023

DSG holds discussion with councils. Of the Potential sites are Cornelian Bay; Queens Domain; Rosny Parklands; Geilston Bay; Blundstone Arena, Bellerive; Twin Ovals Kingborough, Glenorchy Pool and McKay Timber next to KGV Oval 

State Growth briefs Clarence City Council 

9 August 2023

DSG advised:
Rosny Parklands ( former Rosny Golf Course) was considered a potential site with a high degree of suitability due to its size and location. 
While several other sites within Clarence had been considered by DSG, they were not rated as favourably due to a mix of factors, including distance from Hobart CBD, displacement of existing user groups, site amenity, available space, cultural and heritage issues, etc.

Clarence City Council (CCC) CEO advice to DSG regarding planned use of the 2 parks - City Heart Plan

9 August 2023

The draft City Heart Plan is nearing completion and includes a vision for Rosny Parklands as a high quality public open space and green corridor for the enjoyment of the community. The City Heart project page on Your Say Clarence was shared with DSG representatives.
Community engagement would be needed to test social licence for a High Performance Centre on the Rosny Parklands site.

Council workshop

14 August 2023

Councillors provided guidance to staff, to work with DSG representatives to explore the viability of a High Performance Centre within Rosny Parklands, subject to the specifications of both Council and AFL.

Greater Hobart Mayors request State Government to work within the Greater Hobart Strategic Partnership

17 August 2023

Greater Hobart Mayors wrote to the Minister for Stadia, The Honourable Nic Street MP, to request that the State Government liaise with the Greater Hobart Strategic Partnership around the High Performance Centre site selection, noting that a Greater Hobart perspective should underline such a strategic land-use and infrastructure decision, for the benefit of the entire region.

Hobart City Council rejects HPC 

29 August 2023

The Hobart City Council rejected the possibility of using Cornelian Bay or the Queens Domain as a HPC for Tasmania's AFL Team. The council suggests that the AFL should purchase land for its facility instead of using public parkland.
Read more.

Council Workshop - briefing from DSG

18 September 2023

DSG briefed Councillors about the benefits of a High Performance Centre.

MGS Architects presented analysis of a high-level concept within the north-east section of the Parklands, incorporating the AFL’s requirements for the High Performance Centre and design criteria provided by Council staff.
MGS Architects highlighted site constraints

DSG propose building the facility across both parks

After 18 September 2023

DSG representatives later advised that the concept tested by consultants may be cost prohibitive due to the extent of earthworks and retaining walls required to achieve flat ovals within the sloping topography of Rosny Parklands, and the option is unlikely to represent a feasible option.

Council Workshop

25 September 2023

Councillors received an update on the project, and briefings from staff on:
Other locations considered: Seven Mile Beach, Geilston Bay Recreation Area and Bayview Secondary College Sporting Precinct, none of which is owned by Council. They may be eligible for selection under the State’s process, but any expression of interest to the State Government would need to be made by the relevant landowner.

Limited and flawed Community consultation process  

10 October - 7 November 2023

With no concept plans, nor any accurate description of the training facility or ovals included in the survey, respondents had to imagine where it would be, what it would be like, how it would function, what will be lost and how this fits or challenges the City Heart Plan.

Council proposes use of both parks for AFL HPC 

11 December 2023

Council removed the option to site the AFL HPC entirely within the Rosny Parklands (the original DSG proposal, and AFL preference) as it "has significant impact upon the majority of the Rosny Parklands, from environmental, accessibility and cost perspectives." 

Council supports in principle, the use of both parks for the High Performance Centre

11 December 2023

With a majority vote 7/5, council agrees to support the HPC Proposal

AFL HPC Rosny announcement

22 December 2023

Tasmanian Government announced Clarence City Council had been the successful bid and Rosny was the preferred site for the AFL/AFLW High Performance Centre.

Community Rally

3 February 2024

A rally is held in Charles Hand Memorial Park, Rosny. Speakers convey concerns about the proposed location of the HPC and consultation process.

CCC pass a motion to engage dog owners

5 March 2024

Clarence City Council pass a Motion to invite the Clarence Dog Owners Group and Hobart Dog Walking Association Inc to be partners in the AFL HPC location at Rosny.

The Hobart Dog Walking Association responds they will be happy to work with the Council to find an alternative location for the AFL HPC as Charles Hand Park is the only off-lead dog exercise area in Rosny and Rosny Park offers on-lead walking.

Tassie Devil Team Launch & Protest Rally

18 March 2024

Tassie Devils Team launch in Charles Hand Memorial Park. Over 100 people hold a peaceful protest at the top of the park, practically outnumbering the people attending the team launch.

Petition tabled calling for a Public Meeting

18 March 2024

Petition tabled calling for a public meeting.

AFL HPC entirely on Rosny Parkland is back in, despite significant impacts

6 May 2024

Council endorsed an addition to its proposal - to include the option to locate the AFL High Performance Centre entirely on Rosny Parklands, the site of the former golf course.

Public Meeting held

15 May 2024

Over 400 people attended the meeting. The meeting passed six motions including a call for council to rescind its vote on the project and for no site works on any HPC to commence until a Hobart AFL stadium is formally approved.

362 submissions were received with 211 objecting to the proposed site and/or raised concerns over the consultation process.

Motions were noted at Council Meeting

27 May 2024

Six motions from Public Meeting 
1.  That the level of consultation undertaken by Clarence Council with residents does not constitute comprehensive community consultation and was insufficient for such a significant issue.
2. That this meeting opposes the use of Charles Hand Memorial Park and Rosny Parklands for an AFL High Performance Training Centre, as approved in principle by Clarence City Council.
3. That Clarence City Council starts a new, comprehensive, and widely publicised consultation within the Clarence community on alternative sites for an AFL High Performance Training Centre.
4. That Charles Hand Memorial Park and Rosny Parklands are sympathetically developed according to the City Hearts Plan in continued consultation with the community.
5. That until it is confirmed by Parliament that an AFL stadium will exist in Hobart, no site works in preparation for the High- Performance Training Centre is to commence at any selected location in Clarence.
6. That council rescinds its vote of 11th of December authorising the CEO to submit a proposal for two site options and to negotiate terms for a Heads of Agreement with State Growth.

Motion to consider Blundstone Arena for the HPC - LOST

27 May 2024

Cr Walker moved the following motion:
“That Council:

A. Affirms its aspiration to be the home of a suitably located High Performance Centre for the Tasmania Devils AFL Team; and

B. As a matter of urgency requests representatives from Cricket Tasmania, the Tasmania Devils AFL club and relevant state government stake holders to investigate opportunities for reuse of Blundstone Arena, including as a potential site for a future AFL High Performance Centre.

The motion was lost.

Site investigations conducted

May 2024

DSG have completed site investigations including geotechnical, land survey and natural values assessments to determine site suitability.

Tasmanian Football Club keeps Kingborough option open

14 June 2024

Grant O'Brien, Tasmanian AFL Club Chair in the June 2024 Club Update states:

"The Club's preferred location is the one where the entire Training and Administration Facility would be housed on the site of the former Rosny Golf Club."


"The Kingborough Twin Ovals option remains under consideration whilst we are completing our investigative work." 

Read more about the
 Kingborough Council Proposal

Councillor James motion to delay Heads of Agreement - LOST

17 June 2024

Councillor James moved the motion "That Council rescinds its vote of 11 December 2023 authorising the CEO to submit a proposal for two site options and to negotiate terms for a Heads of Agreement with State Growth.”

The motion was lost.

Save Rosny Park Group tables new petition for an elector poll

17 June 2024

An additional petition was tabled at Council Meeting which requires the CCC to hold an elector poll. The timing of the poll is determined by the Public Meeting date and cannot be delayed.
Council had opportunity to delay their negotiations on a Heads of Agreement in view of community concerns, until assessments were complete and published, but chose not to.

Elector Poll held

10 July - 8 August

The Community tabled a 2nd petition compelling Council to conduct an elector poll.

Elector poll results

9 August 2024

62% of Clarence residents voted. The results showed that 13,466 or 49% of voters said NO to locating the AFL High Performance Centre in Rosny Park (old Rosny Golf Course) and 17,846 or 65% of voters said NO to the AFL High Performance Centre being located across both Charles Hand Memorial Park and Rosny Park. Read more.

Clarence Council not listening to feedback

19 August 2024

Clarence City Council Meeting 
The Elector Poll AFL/AFLW High Performance Centre discussed from 1hour 12min 35sec

19 August 2024 Recording – Item 8.4.2 

Council chose to only note the poll results and did not remove Charles Hand Park from the proposals made. Council's view is that that decision now rests with the AFL and State Government.

What's next? The poll is non-binding, and the council is continuing to develop a heads of agreement with the state government.